Sunday, December 6, 2009
Joshua and I were able to make the trip home for Thanksgiving this year and it was SO good to be home. We did Thanksgiving with his parents, since we'll be going to Michigan for Christmas. Jannelle (mom-in-law) ordered a few things so we didn't have to do a TON of cooking...but we made sure we kept the traditional sides for us! I made Sweet Potato Casserole and Barbeque Green Beans and Jannelle made Ming Salad and Deviled Eggs (a Vincent must have!!). Our lunch turned out perfect and it was fun to have the meal with just the 4 of us.
After a little football watching/napping, Joshua and I made our way over to my parent's house for dessert and coffee. Mom had made pumpkin, apple, AND pecan pie....which meant we had to sample all of them, of course! We went to a moview with my family: Joshua made the choice of Old Dogs...which he later regretted, as it was a typical Disney flick.
Friday we went with both our families for lunch at the Mellow Mushroom! Must get in the local food (though Mellow Mushroom isn't just a Nashville thing...we don't have it in Dallas). Eating was followed by shopping for the women and cigar smoking for Joshua and his dad. I went with Jannelle, Olivia, and my mom through all the stores in downtown Franklin. They have done a great job of bringing in some really cool stores. Friday evening I met up with Kallie and Megan for dinner and had a BLAST catching up and just spending some quality time with them. I miss them terribly and wish all 6 of us could have been together...but there's always Christmas for that!!!
Saturday Joshua took me for a ride on his dad's bike. I was expecting for it to be a miserable ride, as it was FREEZING...but I wore appropriate clothing so it wasn't too bad. Like all rides/drives in Middle Tennessee, the scenery was fantastic! All the leaves had pretty much fallen, but the rural farms are still absolutely gorgeous...especially those big old barns. I'm a big sucker for the landscape! I met up with Olivia during the afternoon to do some shopping for our parents and then met up with Josh and his parents again for dinner with Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt Lane, Uncle Keith, Suzannah, and Caroline. It's always nice to see and catch up with all of them! I love their family and feel so blessed to be a part of it now! After dinner we went bowling with Jason and Deidre, which is always a good time. They are a great couple and a lot of fun to be around.
Sunday was quite the beast of a drive back to Dallas. It rained the ENTIRE way back. We stopped in Memphis for delicious barbeque. Texarkana had quite the surprise for us on it's side roads. We got off to use the bathroom...and to detour the stand-still traffic due to construction...and found ourselves driving through severely flooded streets. Let's just say we found our way back to the interstate rather quickly.
Now we are enjoying the holidays...just got our Christmas tree last night! Somewhat smaller than last years but absolutely perfect!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jelly Bellys (me) and male Minnie (Jeff)
Friday night Joshua and I went to our friend Ashley's Pirate themed mystery party, which was a lot of fun. Ashley is GREAT at planning parties and is a wonderful host. She made these really cool boxes for our invitations and delivered them in person. I was the part of "Mad Rose," the beer wench at the Salty Sea Dog and Joshua was Commodore Clearing. Our costumes were really fun and it was fun to act the part of a pirate...pirate accent and all!

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bailey's Wedding

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Disciple Bible Study
I've read through Genesis several times, but each time it was in a rushed or hurried I always felt like I knew exactly what it was saying. This time, it's different. We started with just the 1st 2 chapters this week and I took the time to read the well as the notes my Bible provides. It's so incredible to see how Genesis allows room for the Trinity in it's use of words...and I honestly didn't know Adam means Earth and man. I cannot wait to continue on this journey of learning.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Stationary Obsession
with MILLI VINCENT (in navy) at top center.
The great thing about these notepads is that they are pretty affordable and super cute. You can use them as stationary, or for grocery lists. Their letterpress paper products are little more expensive, but that is too be expected.
I used this one really cool site for our save-the-dates, and come to find out, they also do personalized stationary, birth announcements, party invitations, so on and so forth. Love the site, and here is an example of what you can find there:
These can be found under the Business Stationary.
Just plug in your personal information when personalizing.
They also have some great seasonal invitations or greeting cards!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
mmm mmm good!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Relaxing, fun weekend
Today, Sunday, we tried out a new church. We went to the 11 am service at Lovers Lane United Methodist. The service was great and the people were so friendly and welcoming. We definitely felt more at home there than at the church we had previously attended. I'm hoping to get involved in a Bible Study there. Next week we're going to try out heir contemporary service, which I am really looking forward to.
So, all in all, its been a good weekend! I'm definitely not ready for the week to begin again. I love my weekends with Joshua and hate having to go back to the real world...aka work.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Back to Running
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New Digs!
I've already been out running in our new neighborhood and love it. We're no longer on a busy road, so I feel a lot safer running on my own. Joshua and I walked to Blockbuster the other night...but that was a little more of a it is just beyond school. But, it was good exercise and good talking time.
Joshua's parents came down to visit last weekend and we made a trip out to Ikea, the land of everything one could ever desire for a home, and had fun looking at all they have to offer. Since we only have one bathroom now, I really needed a space to get ready in the morning. So, we bought a little desk/vanity for the office. I now have my very own space to sit in the morning to do my makeup and hair...and then a desk to work at in the evenings while Joshua is doing his school work.
In the next couple of days I'll take some pictures to show the new place.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Big Cedar Lodge with the family
Josh and I just got back from a wonderfully relaxing week at Big Cedar Lodge, which is just outside Branson, MO. This trip is somewhat of a tradition for my family, as we've always stayed at Big Cedar after picking up from Kamp Kanakuk. I used to go to kamp there, and Olivia just spent her 4th summer there. We had such a great time with my family and really enjoyed the time relaxing by the pool, on the lazy river, and the day we spent out on the boat. It was also a lot of fun going back to K-West to pick Olivia up! Here are some of the highlights from the trip:
This is just before her all around event.
On our way to dinner the last night.
We're now back in Dallas and getting ready to move!! We are moving out of our first apartment together and into a really cute little duplex. We'll have a yard, a garage, and a cute little vintage kitchen and bathroom. Once we move in and get settled I'll post pictures!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Summer is Here!
Josh on the other not loving the little kids. He is working with summer camp at the Y this summer. And though he is getting VERY tan, he isn't enjoying the fact that they aren't allowed to really discipline the kids.
We've had a few fun weekends, with Beth's Wedding, a Motorcycle Race Watch Party, a Frisco Rough Riders game (they are a minor league team that feeds into the Dallas Rangers MLB team), and in a couple of weeks we will be joining my family at Table Rock Lake in Missouri for a much needed week vacation! We'll be picking Olivia up from Kamp Kanakuk and then spending time at Big Cedar Lodge, one of the most relaxing places on earth. I can't wait to relax with the family..and SEE them! I haven't seen my dad or sister since OCTOBER!!
Here are some pictures from Beth's wedding and the Rough Riders game. Unfortunately, my camera died at Beth's wedding, so my pictures are limited.
Rough Riders Game
The other mascot is Daisy, the female..she was cute too!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Week of my birth!
Joshua, Ashley, and I went over to see Kristi and Greg yesterday and did a mini birthday celebration for Kristi. Greg is in school with Joshua and Ashley, and we've all become pretty good friends. It's always nice to have another married couple around! Kristi's birthday is today, and she is on bed rest due to her pregnancy...sooo, we took her some Yogilicious (mmm, so good) and balloons. It was great to see both of them and be able to spend some time catching up with Kristi. Joshua and I plan on taking them dinner in the near future, just to help out while Kristi is out of commission.
I also got my haircut yesterday! It's pretty short..above the shoulders. I really like it though, it is the perfect summer cut. I'll have to post a picture later!
As is a picture of my new hair style. It has grown out a little since the original cut...but still pretty much the same!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Week of rest...
I was also able to catch up with some dear friends! This week I had some lengthy phone calls with Sarah, Emily, and Hawley!! I definitely don't get to talk with these girls enough, so it was nice to be able to sit on the couch and chat with no time limitations. Haha, that makes it sound like Joshua sits there and times my phone calls..totally not the case. But, when we are home together I usually don't answer my phone and just enjoy my time with him.
My weekend was spent being a total bum. I rented "The Reader" and the old "Marie Antoinette" film with Kirsten Dunst and also watched a few movies that came on TBS. "The Reader" was very interesting, though I have to admit I fell asleep towards the got a little slow. "Marie Antoinette" was SUPER slow..and though the costumes and music were was kind of a waist of a rent. I did get some exercise in this weekend, which is always good. I also spent some time by the pool, and then Sunday I went in to work.
Though I've enjoyed the time alone...I defintely prefer living life with Joshua and having someone to spend my time with every evening. 9 days has definitely been a little too long to be seperated, but I'm glad Joshua and his dad were able to take this trip together. I know it'll be a great memory to look back on.
Well..that's it for now! Next week I head to Atlanta for Beth's wedding!! I can't wait to be there for her and share in such a special event. I'm also really excited to see all of my dear friends from UGA! I'll also be celebrating my BIRTHDAY next Wednesday! Woo hoo for 24!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I've have be stressing a lot recently...mainly focused around finances...and this little special reminded me to relax, take a deep breath, and focus on the positive. Though Joshua and I don't always have the funds to do everything we desire...we DO have each other and that is the biggest thing to celebrate every day! So rather than continuing my stress on finances, I am going to focus on the good stuff...friends, family, free fun, and the Lord. that is all for the moment. Hehe, just wanted to share a breath of fresh air. It's always nice to see someone so happy, that has reason to be so angry. Thank you Michael J. Fox for your inspiration!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Other than work and school, Joshua and I have just been trying to spend time together doing things we going on walks, watching movies, and going on occassional long drives. This spring has been wonderful so far and we both feel like we've grown closer with all the time we've spent together. This past weekend we went to one of my co-workers for her birthday and we had a lot of fun! Stacie lives out in Rowlett, which is about 1/2 hour from Dallas and she lives really close to the lake. Josh and Stacie's husband got along really well. He is a Dallas Police Officer and I think they have a lot of the same interests and life values. I think we'll definitely have to hang out again.
Other than that, we're just doing our normal routine and looking forward to a few trips this summer. Joshua is going on a 9-10 days motorcycle trip to Las Vegas and back with his dad right after school ends, which leaves me in Dallas all alone..but I know they'll have a good time and their time together is always important...father-son bonding time! We'll be heading to Atlanta for Beth and Ramsey's wedding, which is June 6th! I can't wait to go and witness their marriage and as a bonus see all my wonderful friends again!! Then we're going to go to Branson, MO to see my family and stay at Big Cedar Lodge after Olivia gets out of camp at Kamp Kanakuk! I'm pretty excited about this because I haven't seen my dad or sister since October! Plus, I went to Kanakuk when I was younger, so it'll be like returning to childhood for me. We're still trying to figure out what to do for our anniversary, but it'll be special no matter what we do.
Ok...I better get back to work. Just wanted to do a little update!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wrapping Up the Week
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend at the library
Thursday, March 19, 2009
busy bee...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I think this is an amazing exercise because there is no right or wrong answer and it allows everyone to have a voice about art. A lot of times art is open for interpretation and I think giving high schoolers a voice is really important and it helps reinforce their creativity and thought pattern.
The other great thing about these classes is that I don't need to know anything specific about the work. I'm not there to lecture on the history of the work or tell them what the artist was aiming for. I am there to simply create conversation about some great contemporary works of art.
So here are some of the works we looked at the first week:

Cindy Sherman. "Untitled Film Still"
Unsure of correct title, I'll update it later!

Kelli Connell. Giggle. 2002

Xinpeng Chen. Self Portrait. 2004

Pablo Picasso. Weeping Woman. 1937
Femme en pleurs
The theme for Week 1 is "Be." The use of self portraits is great for this becaues it shows the students how the artist is wanting to portray themselves to the viewer.
If you have any questions or ideas just give me a shout!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Good Reads!
I've just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. The books is similar is subject to The DaVinci Code, but I still really enjoyed it. It's a book loaded with suspense, and although most of the "facts" are not entirely true, or just completely fabricated...I do see an underlying theme or message. The big story line of the book is "Science vs. Religion" and the other desire for them to work together. I really do believe you can have both...not one without the other. God created us with the ability to think and expand our knowledge and, to me, science is just a tool to further understand God's amazing creation.
The next book on my list is Love and Respect (The Love She Most Desires and The Respect He Desperately Needs)by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. I really want Joshua to read this one as well...but that might have to wait for summer...or maybe I can just give him photo copies of the passages he should read..haha. It seems like a great relationship strengthening book.
Ok, that is all on my book talk. If you haven't already, you should go check out "Good Reads" and get connected!
In other news....I start teaching my own classes next week with the Dallas Contemporary! I had all of my training last week- a half day at the studio and a half day at a school- and I feel confident that I am going to do a good job. I may have to practice on Josh Sunday night just to make sure I've got it down. I'm so excited though! I'll definitely let you know how the first day goes!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Art Auction
Just to give a little background: The Dallas Contemporary is a non-profit, non-collecting gallery that shows emerging Texas artists, as well as some national artists. They also do this great program called ArtThink. It is a program that teaches high school kids how to think and approach contemporary art. It helps them relate to the subject matter and take their personal experiences in to consideration when interpretting art. I've recently been asked to to participate in this program and I am SO excited! I am going to be TEACHING art!! I will only be doing this once, maybe twice, a week but it's still a great start. I'll post back abou this later!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
New Year!
"Spiced Chicken and Greens with Pomegranate Dressing"
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp salt
4 (6-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves (I used chicken tenders instead)
1/3 c. pomegranate juice
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp canola oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper
1 package mixed salad greens
1/2 c thinly sliced red onion (optional...I didn't use because I don't like onions)
3/4 c orange sections (I cut these up into smaller pieces)
1/3 c dried cranberries
1/4 c crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
To prepare chicken, heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Sprinkle chili powder and salt over chicken. Add chicken to pan; cook 5 minutes on each side or until done. Remove chicken from skillet; let stand 3 minutes. Cut chicken across grain into thin slices; set aside
To prepare dressing, combine all "Dressing" ingredients and whisk well.
Make salad. Enjoy. The end. I promise, you won't be disappointed!!
I also made my mom's DELICIOUS blueberry muffins this week. They were definitely a great start to the day!