I think this is an amazing exercise because there is no right or wrong answer and it allows everyone to have a voice about art. A lot of times art is open for interpretation and I think giving high schoolers a voice is really important and it helps reinforce their creativity and thought pattern.
The other great thing about these classes is that I don't need to know anything specific about the work. I'm not there to lecture on the history of the work or tell them what the artist was aiming for. I am there to simply create conversation about some great contemporary works of art.
So here are some of the works we looked at the first week:

Cindy Sherman. "Untitled Film Still"
Unsure of correct title, I'll update it later!

Kelli Connell. Giggle. 2002

Xinpeng Chen. Self Portrait. 2004

Pablo Picasso. Weeping Woman. 1937
Femme en pleurs
The theme for Week 1 is "Be." The use of self portraits is great for this becaues it shows the students how the artist is wanting to portray themselves to the viewer.
If you have any questions or ideas just give me a shout!