I had an awesome opportunity to volunteer at a local gallery last week. The Dallas Contemporary honors an artist, artist patron, and artist professional every year at their "Legends Ball." This years artist was Joseph Havel and his work was pretty incredible. He works mainly in cloth, but also has bronze works that imitate cloth. I have put a few examples of his work below.
This was a beautiful work entitled Drinks Are Boiling, Iced Drinks are Boiling. It is an amazing, monumental installation measuring 12' x 10 1/2'. The swirling mass coming out of the central ball includes words from a poem and it is absolutely breathtaking. At the Contemporary, the long strand spiraled up two stories. My friend Brittany wrote about the birthing of ideas recently, and this work give a visual example of that concept. The words are coming out of a central nucleus, finding their way into the world.
This work is entitled Dream. Joseph Havel created this work out of shirt tags that were made to order with "Dream" on the tag. This was another piece that I loved. It is suspended from the ceiling and the labels spill out onto the floor, forming a beautiful, irregular puddle. It is an interesting piece to me because he has taken something that could be abstract (dream) and placed it on a consumer object (the shirt tag).
I really enjoyed volunteering at the Contemporary. The environment and the energy was really great and rejuvenating. I had a great time meeting people and discussing art..and career options. I can't wait to do more work with them.
Last post I had mentioned that Joshua and I went to a dinner at a local judge's house. It was such a great evening. We met another couple that also just got married...the weekend after us actually! It was really nice to meet someone that is in the same position as me. After dinner there was a bible study, which was actually done by a local lawyer who graduated from SMU. I'm looking forward to going again. He invited law students once or twice a month, so we'll definitely be going back.
Well, that's all for now! I have another long week of job searching to look forward to!
Hey there gorgeous!! I love the edits you've made to the site :) WHAT AN AWESOME PICTURE of you and Joshua on the Trolley! I love it - you both look amazing. And what a neat post. It sounds like you are having such exciting experiences and exploring new things. I love hearing you describe the works of art and wish I could have been there with you ;)
I can't wait to see you in like... practically a week! I love you so much and hope we can talk soon ;) I've been meaning to call but been working late and wedding planning to boot. I love you!!
New Post Please!!!
hahaha or better yet i should just call you - wish things werent so busy here. but i guess that's what happens when you have a job that's for like 3 people and a wedding in a week! ACK!
Hopefully call you this weekend when my brains are bit more settled :)
BUT i'm sad I couldn't read more about the adventures of Milli! (that's new anyway)
;) xoxox
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