Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Disciple Bible Study

I've been searching for a good, intensive study of the Bible for a while now...and I'm just not good at doing it on my own so I decided to join a Bible study. As a child, I can remember my parents participating in Disciple Bible Study through our church. When I saw that LLUMC offered the class, I was thrilled! We have has 2 lessons so far and it has been so great. It is a 34 week class that leads you through the entire Bible. Each week there is a focus verse and word and this weeks work was Wonder. What a perfect word for the creation story! One can only stand in wonder and awe at God's awesome and mighty hand. It is only our second week and I've already learned so much!

I've read through Genesis several times, but each time it was in a rushed or hurried I always felt like I knew exactly what it was saying. This time, it's different. We started with just the 1st 2 chapters this week and I took the time to read the well as the notes my Bible provides. It's so incredible to see how Genesis allows room for the Trinity in it's use of words...and I honestly didn't know Adam means Earth and man. I cannot wait to continue on this journey of learning.

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