Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wrapping Up the Week

So this week has been nothing out of the ordinary.  I taught on Monday morning...which was like pulling teeth.  We missed two weeks of class, first because I was out of town, and then they had spring break.  After two weeks of not discussing art, I think they got a little clammed up.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  There is a group coming to "observe" my classroom to approve a grant for the Art Think program.  I am a little nervous about that...but I think it will be completely ok.  I am starting at a new school this week as well.  I'll be teaching on Thursdays from 8:45-2.  That means I'll have to work Saturdays at the Y, but I think it'll be worth it.  It's only a 6 week program, so after that 6 weeks, it it was too hard, I'll know not to take on so much in the future.  This program is really giving me a better feeling about teaching.  I think I would be a great teacher and I would love teaching children.  I know I'm not called for high school, but it really gives me a better understanding of what it takes.

One of the front desk supervisors at the Y is leaving to go work at the association office.  Sooo, we had a going away party on Saturday.  We went and played the gam called "Whirleyball" and had SO much fun!  Joshua went with me and we summed the game up as "basketball, polo, and bumper cars" all rolled into one.  So, there are two teams in bumper cars (each with 5...I guess we were players??) and we each had a stick, similar to that used in lacrosse.  Ok, so there was a wiffle ball that we had to throw into a hole, about the height of a basketball bet, but parallel to the wall instead of parallel to the floor.  Oi..that sounds so confusing.  Anyways, you drive your bumper car around trying to score...AND trying to block the other team.  Needless to say, I am ridiculously sore today.  It feels like I've been in a car wreck, which I guess is partially true because each time you were bumped it felt like a massive collision.  We all laughed the entire time!  What a fun game.

Ok, so my last note of the night:  I just watched "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" and it really made me miss all of my girls.  It made me miss those great nights of friendship from when we were young (yes, i know we are still we are grown-ups and have responsibility!), staying up late, talking about total non-sense.  I miss having those friendships near and close at hand.  I love and cherish them all so dearly and I don't think I tell them all enough.  The end.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend at the library

Josh has been working REALLY hard on his brief for his Legal Writing class.  He turns it in tomorrow and that will count as his one and only grade in that class.  Oh the stress and pressure! He hasn't been able to get work done at home, and therefore, as been spending lots of time at the library.  Well, being at home night after night can get pretty lonely, so I've chosen to come spend some time with him at the library.  I know...sounds like no fun at all, but it really has been nice.  I picked up a new book today titled A Faith and Culture Devotional: Daily Readings in Art, Science and Life.  The layout is pretty cool, offering readings in Bible and Theology, History, Philosophy, Science, Literature, Arts, and Contemporary Culture.  The book breaks down the reading into 15 weeks. Each week there is one article from each category, which really provides for a balanced read and you don't get overwhelmed with one topic.  At the end of each category there are questions for reflection or discussion.  I love books that include questions because it really gets you thinking about the topic.  I'm really looking to the coming weeks as I explore and learn through this devotional.  Here is what the back of the book says, just to provide a better note as to what the book is about:

Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington offer a daily guided tour through many of the paintings, laboratories, rock arenas, great books, mass movements, and private lives that have shaped the ways in which we think and live.  mass movements, and private lives that have shaped the ways in which we think and live.  This educational devotional will inspire us to go beyond critique to creativity as we discover the wonder of God in seven subjects--theology, history, philosophy, science, literature, art, and contemporary culture.

Explore significant ideas, people, and events from a Christian worldview in a format that fits your busy life.  A Faith and Culture Devotional will help bridge the artificial gap between learning truth and loving God--inspiring you with the wonder at the genius, power, and beauty of Jesus Christ.

I think it will be interesting!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

busy bee...

I have quite the busy, and fun, past couple of weeks.  It started two weekends ago with a wonderful trip to Orlando, Florida with my mom.  We met up for a mini-vacation with my grandma and two aunts.  Mom had a conference being held at Disney World, so we had a free room for part of our stay!  Before heading down to Florida I didn't really think we would spend any time at the parks.  I mean...we are all grown women, it would look pretty hilarious for all of us to be parading around Disney without toting kids around.  BUT, to my surprise, everyone wanted to go to the parks.  So parking we went.  Saturday was spent at Epcot, traveling the world while conveniently staying safely inside the Disney World resort.  We had churros in Mexico...a delicious fried treat my aunts and grandma had never tried.  Aunt Nancy kept exclaming "I would like one of those chimichangas, or chalupas" after having one.  To which I replied, "they are called CHURROS."  Saturday evening we went to Magic Kingdom for the light parade and fireworks.  My grandma has seen the light parade on tv several times, but has never seen it in person.  She was very excited to see it...and we had front row seats, right on the curb.  The parade was wonderful..a the characters were aglow with lights.  It was truly magical.  The fireworks following were also pretty spectacular.  Fireworks are always great..even if there is no special occasion.  Sunday was going to be spent at "Disney's Hollywood Studios" (Formerly MGM Studios)...but apparently when MGM went, so went many of the attractions.  Disney's Hollywood Studios=a bust. So instead, we journeyed through Animal Kingdom.  We passed by "The Tree of Life," went on a Safari, ate at an African "outpost," and saw "It's Tough to be a Bug" in 3D.  f you haven't ever seen the Tree of Life, it's a really huge, awesome fake tree with lots of animals carved in it's trunk, branches, and roots.  My grandma and aunts left Monday, at which point my mom's conference started.  I slept in a little, then went out and laid by the pool for a while.  Monday afternoon mom and I went to Magic Kingdom to go on some of my favorite rides.  These include, but are not limited to:  Pirates of the Magic Kingdom, the Swiss Family Tree House (even though it isn't a ride), Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Space Mountain.  Mom was such a trooper.  She doesn't like roller coaster's...or heights...but she went on the rides with me anyways and we had a great time.  Tuesday was departure day, and though it was sad to leave the fun and family behind, it was nice to get back to Dallas..and most of all my Joshua!

I didn't have much time at home with just Joshua because on Friday Megan and Kallie came to visit!!  Megan is a teacher and her spring break is this week, so she called me up to see if she could come visit...and of course I said YES!!  They were my first friends to visit Dallas and we had a great time, despite the disgusting weather.  I have to applaud them because they spent 12 hours getting to Dallas, a drive that should only take 8 or 9 hours.  The girls got in late on Friday so we just picked up some pizza and drinks for a relaxing evening in.  Saturday there was a huge St. Patty's Day parade on Greenville Ave, which I happen to live approximately 100 yards from.  So, after sleeping in a little, we decided to go check it out.  We loaded our cooler and walked down to the end of my street where we caught the end of the parade.  There were many odd characters and some wonderful costumes as well.  After the parade passed we just decided to follow along and see what there was to see.  I've decided that St. Patty's is like a belated, mini- Mardi Gras.  Beads are thrown...and alcohol is consumed.  The rest of the weekend was spent showing them around the city.  We went to the West Village, a trendy spot in town with some boutiques and shopping. I drove them through part of Highland Park, with huge houses and designer shopping center.  Then we headed back to the apartment for a little down time before dinner.  We went to Cuba Libre (because Chuy's was packed) for dinner and drinks and then back to the house.  Sunday was going to be our day at the museum...but we again, slept in.  So instead, I drove them around downtown (which I'm not very familiar with) and then we went grocery shopping for dinner.  I thought it would be fun to cook at home and have a nice meal in.  I made individual baked tortellini dishes and mom's delicious salad with home-made balsamic vinaigrette, spicy pecans, strawberries, and blue cheese.  Monday I had to work so they spent the day exploring Dallas and then Josh and I took them to Burger House!  The best/our favorite burger place in Dallas.  After dinner we went back and watched tv and just hung out.  It was so nice to have friend here and be able to spend so much time with them!

This week, in comparison has been pretty slow (after the girls left).  Work is completely dead because all of the kids are on spring break, which means all of the families have gone on trips.  I am, however, looking forward to a slow, relaxing weekend.  It will hopefully be nice out so I can go to the lake or lay out by the pool!

I'll upload pictures from all of the adventures later.