Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend at the library

Josh has been working REALLY hard on his brief for his Legal Writing class.  He turns it in tomorrow and that will count as his one and only grade in that class.  Oh the stress and pressure! He hasn't been able to get work done at home, and therefore, as been spending lots of time at the library.  Well, being at home night after night can get pretty lonely, so I've chosen to come spend some time with him at the library.  I know...sounds like no fun at all, but it really has been nice.  I picked up a new book today titled A Faith and Culture Devotional: Daily Readings in Art, Science and Life.  The layout is pretty cool, offering readings in Bible and Theology, History, Philosophy, Science, Literature, Arts, and Contemporary Culture.  The book breaks down the reading into 15 weeks. Each week there is one article from each category, which really provides for a balanced read and you don't get overwhelmed with one topic.  At the end of each category there are questions for reflection or discussion.  I love books that include questions because it really gets you thinking about the topic.  I'm really looking to the coming weeks as I explore and learn through this devotional.  Here is what the back of the book says, just to provide a better note as to what the book is about:

Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington offer a daily guided tour through many of the paintings, laboratories, rock arenas, great books, mass movements, and private lives that have shaped the ways in which we think and live.  mass movements, and private lives that have shaped the ways in which we think and live.  This educational devotional will inspire us to go beyond critique to creativity as we discover the wonder of God in seven subjects--theology, history, philosophy, science, literature, art, and contemporary culture.

Explore significant ideas, people, and events from a Christian worldview in a format that fits your busy life.  A Faith and Culture Devotional will help bridge the artificial gap between learning truth and loving God--inspiring you with the wonder at the genius, power, and beauty of Jesus Christ.

I think it will be interesting!

1 comment:

Hawley said...

Neat, Milli! I'd love to hear more about it as you read. I wonder if you'll notice certain themes. Is it all by one person? Or are their multiple editors? Hmmm interesting :)

Nice thinking, going to the libe with him! What a sweet wife, and a lucky man ;)

I hope the brief scores him a great grade!