Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wrapping Up the Week

So this week has been nothing out of the ordinary.  I taught on Monday morning...which was like pulling teeth.  We missed two weeks of class, first because I was out of town, and then they had spring break.  After two weeks of not discussing art, I think they got a little clammed up.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  There is a group coming to "observe" my classroom to approve a grant for the Art Think program.  I am a little nervous about that...but I think it will be completely ok.  I am starting at a new school this week as well.  I'll be teaching on Thursdays from 8:45-2.  That means I'll have to work Saturdays at the Y, but I think it'll be worth it.  It's only a 6 week program, so after that 6 weeks, it it was too hard, I'll know not to take on so much in the future.  This program is really giving me a better feeling about teaching.  I think I would be a great teacher and I would love teaching children.  I know I'm not called for high school, but it really gives me a better understanding of what it takes.

One of the front desk supervisors at the Y is leaving to go work at the association office.  Sooo, we had a going away party on Saturday.  We went and played the gam called "Whirleyball" and had SO much fun!  Joshua went with me and we summed the game up as "basketball, polo, and bumper cars" all rolled into one.  So, there are two teams in bumper cars (each with 5...I guess we were players??) and we each had a stick, similar to that used in lacrosse.  Ok, so there was a wiffle ball that we had to throw into a hole, about the height of a basketball bet, but parallel to the wall instead of parallel to the floor.  Oi..that sounds so confusing.  Anyways, you drive your bumper car around trying to score...AND trying to block the other team.  Needless to say, I am ridiculously sore today.  It feels like I've been in a car wreck, which I guess is partially true because each time you were bumped it felt like a massive collision.  We all laughed the entire time!  What a fun game.

Ok, so my last note of the night:  I just watched "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" and it really made me miss all of my girls.  It made me miss those great nights of friendship from when we were young (yes, i know we are still we are grown-ups and have responsibility!), staying up late, talking about total non-sense.  I miss having those friendships near and close at hand.  I love and cherish them all so dearly and I don't think I tell them all enough.  The end.

1 comment:

Hawley said...

Hahaha "the end" you are so cute! Awww I miss you SO much, Milli. HOW HAVE WE NOT HAD A PHONE DATE IN SO LONG?! I feel bereft.

I'm delighted to hear about your teaching experiences. How did the class go when the observer was there? I hope the kids didn't clam up again :) I'm sure it was great though and that they'll want to support Art Think even MORE!

It sounds like you have a ton going on right now but all very exciting, and probably a nice busy-ness. I miss you and love you and send you huge hugs... I miss sleepovers too :) Thanks for sleeping over with me the night before I got "hitched"!!! haha