Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Vincent House!

I spent last night transferring a ton of pictures over from my old laptop. It is being converted into Joshua's "garage computer" to help him with the Duc's programmable ignition. While getting all the pictures off, I found the pictures I took of our new place...though not so new anymore. We've made some changes since taking these, so I'll have to post those changes later. Here is a little glimpse into our quaint home.

This is our main living space...where we spend most of our time. The room is pretty long and I was standing close to the tv.

Bathroom! Thankfully, our stuff already matched.

Kitchen. I love our corner sink and the ample amount of storage we now have. The stove, refrigerator, and portable..yes portable..dishwasher are all to the right.

Our awesome patio area outside of the kitchen. Joshua used this area a lot this fall to have his weekly cigar chat with his dad.

I've already shown our bedroom, but here it is again. I love that every room of our house has windows. It makes everything so bright!

The path from our side patio to our backyard..great crepe myrtle in the yard.

The can see the home of our future grill..and the stepping stones to it.

The only thing i don't have pictured is the garage and the office. The office is constantly in flux (aka very messy). We love our little place and are looking forward to warmer weather so we can enjoy the yard again!

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