Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oh thank heaven...

...For 7Eleven!  Tomorrow is "Free Slurpee Day" at 7Eleven.  On July 11th (7-11), you can pick up a free 7.11oz slurpee at a 7Eleven location near you!  Who would want to miss out on such an awesome, FREE treat?!?
I do have a fond love for 7Eleven..we have one just down the street (close enough to walk to) and Joshua and I go there quite often for whatever our hearts desire (ice cream, a coke, popcorn, SLURPEE, etc).  So I'm pretty excited that I'll get to have a free slurpee tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy yours1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha that's awesome! Hope you got yours. You are always in-the-know about these kinds of things :) Love it! Miss you babe.