Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Last week Joshua and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary.  In two years we've been through a lot..and learned a lot..and grown together...and magically grown to love each other more.  That's one thing that will continue to amaze us..you can never imagine loving someone more than you do at the exact moment you are in..but then time passes and you love them more for the little things and the big things.

We celebrated our anniversary by going to the zoo!  We hadn't been to the Dallas Zoo yet..and we both love the zoo...so we were off!  We had a lot of fun exploring and just being together.  There were some great animals, lions, tigers, giraffes, leopards, etc.  There weren't very many people...so it was nice to be able to explore..virtually un-bothered.  We had a long morning out in the sun..so after the zoo we headed home to relax and nap before heading to a delicious celebratory dinner at Hillstone (formerly known as Houston's).  The food was phenomenal and the conversation..as always was wonderful.  Again..it was just so great to be together, just the 2 of us (something that we cherish...but don't get to much of all the time).

Here is a gimpse of the past 2 years of our marriage:

On our wedding day!

Moving to Texas to start our new life together.

Our first apartment...a place to call home for a year.
haha...lovely!  Joshua's 24th birthday at Medieval Times.

Joshua helped me out by calling Bingo at the Y.

Catching a minor league baseball game..the Frisco Rough Riders.
Moved into our 2nd home..celebrating our 1st year together.

Experienced the Texas State Fair.

Celebrated Jason and Deidre's marriage.
Picked out and carved our pumpkins.

I helped cook Thankgiving dinner with Josh's mom.

Celebrated Christmas with my family in Michigan.
Experienced Dallas' biggest snow storm..potentially in history...and had one heck of a time!

Got our first pet..Pierre!

Traveled to Memphis to celebrate Aaron and Becca's wedding.

and finally...us as the zoo!  It was rather hot and humid!
There are a ton of things we've experienced that I didn't include...like countless weddings, many nights out, and lots of other memories.  It's been a heck of a ride so far and we are looking to several more years of happiness and fun!


Anonymous said...

so cute! I love this site!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Congratulations, you two :) so happy for you both... and what a fun wedding you had. Here's to many more years of bliss and adventures together :) xoxo