Friday, March 11, 2011

Lack of Posting

So sorry for the lack of posts.  I have found myself deeply wrapped up with work.  If I'm not working..I'm relaxing and don't want anything to do with a computer.  (Gasp!) I know..I desire a technology free time when I'm away from work.  Granted, Joshua and I tend to spend our evenings watching a movie or tv..but I rarely get on a computer anymore.  I've tried blogging from my iphone but need a new app for that..the one I have just isn't that awesome.  Soo..if you have any suggestions, please send them my way!

Yes, I have been working my booty off..generally not leaving work until the sun has long gone.  Thankfully, that sun is staying around longer and I'm getting to see a little more of it each evening.  I've also been very diligent in my work outs lately.  Making sure to get in at least 3 during the week...aiming for 4 though.  Joshua and I have also been trying to get more fitness in on the weekends.  We'll head over to White Rock Lake from time to time to take a stroll around the lake..which is so nice!  We love spending time together outdoors.

I've been trying to train for a 1/2 marathon (Nashville at the end of April)..but am having a little bit of a struggle these days.  I kind of plateaued at 6 miles.  I just need to get some more time in my life to dedicate to running.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE to run.  It's freeing to me, it's something I think I'm pretty good at, and I feel so good at the end.  I just need to find more hills..because if you didn't know...Dallas is very flat (in comparison to GA and TN).  So..I will continue to push on in the hopes of getting to that 13.1 by April 30th.

Next week Joshua and I are headed to Galveston with some friends for the LAST spring break...and my FIRST.  I never went anywhere crazy for Spring Break in college.  I generally went home or to Memphis to see Joshua.  So, this will be one for the books.

That's all I have for now.  I'm on my lunch break and just wanted to get a little update in.

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