Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Digs!

Joshua and I have been busy since mid July moving into our new place, and it is really starting to come together. We absolutely love our new place and we are finally (almost) done doing upgrades/additions. Our new home is a 2 bed, one bath duplex just 5ish minutes from work and 1.5 miles from SMU. It's on the Preston Hollow neighborhood of Dallas, which is also home to Ross Perot, and George W. Bush. They, however, live in the mansions of Preston Hollow and though our new place is an upgrade from our first apartment, we are definitely not living in a mansion. Our place is a 1950's design with a really cute yellow tiled kitchen and yellow and blue tiled bathroom. I've taken a few pictures but don't have them uploaded quite yet. They BEST feature of our new pad is the yard and garage! These were two things that were a "must have" for the new place. We've already spent a lot of time out on our patio and Joshua has a nice "man cave," as he calls it, in the garage.

I've already been out running in our new neighborhood and love it. We're no longer on a busy road, so I feel a lot safer running on my own. Joshua and I walked to Blockbuster the other night...but that was a little more of a it is just beyond school. But, it was good exercise and good talking time.

Joshua's parents came down to visit last weekend and we made a trip out to Ikea, the land of everything one could ever desire for a home, and had fun looking at all they have to offer. Since we only have one bathroom now, I really needed a space to get ready in the morning. So, we bought a little desk/vanity for the office. I now have my very own space to sit in the morning to do my makeup and hair...and then a desk to work at in the evenings while Joshua is doing his school work.

In the next couple of days I'll take some pictures to show the new place.

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