Saturday, April 24, 2010

Amazing Saturday

Though it's only 2 pm, today has been a wonderfully perfect day.  Joshua and I got up early, as he needed to head to work at AMS and I wanted to get up and enjoy some time with him before he left.  I also had mentioned that I would make my delicious blueberry muffins for the guys at the shop.  Well, I was lacking a few ingredients so I headed up to the grocery story, and let me tell you, I will be shopping early Saturday mornings from now on because the place was empty...unlike last week's Sunday afternoon experience of jam-packed aisles.

So after whipping up a double batch of muffins and taking them down to the guys I decided to go for a run.  I've been very diligent about working out, but I haven't been running and I want to get going again.  One quick side note, I have to thank my co-worker, Shannon, for being a wonderful workout pal...we've now worked out every week day for the past 2 weeks!  So I headed out on my run.
View from the corner, where I start my runs
My goal was to run for 30 minutes and I almost made it.  I ended up cutting my run short by 5 minutes because the loop I took brought me back to my house faster than I thought and the slight hill I had to run at the end about killed me.  I was, however, pretty proud that I ran 2.89 miles in 25 minutes...that's not to far off from 3 miles OR 30 minutes!  The thing I love most about running the the peacefulness of it.  Yes, I get tired and am ready to quit most of the time...but I love putting my music on and hitting the pavement.  Everything else going on just melts away and I am at total peace.

After my run I went out in the backyard to soak up some sun and read some more of Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox.  I have been reading this book for quite a while..but just haven't quite finished it.  This isn't because it's a bad or a hard read...but simply because I have other stuff going on. While outside, I discovered that our rose bush has bloomed!  Joshua and I didn't even know there was a rose bush in our yard until this sprint and now there are several beautiful deep pink flowers.

The long vine.  We had to wrap it behind our fence post
because it was obstructing the use of our sidewalk.

Close up of the beauties.

A single shot, SO pretty!
I'm tempted to cut a few off and bring them inside to add some beauty to our house...but they're just so pretty all clustered together.

Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my afternoon!  Have a wonderful weekend.

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